TEDxUSC kicks off today in Bovard Auditorium


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More than a thousand researchers and students packed USC's Bovard Auditorium today for the University's annual TedxUsc event, which stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design. The tickets went like hotcakes. if there was a rock concert for intellectuals, TEDxUSC would be it. In fact, they opened the conference in song.

"It brings everything together. it brings technology, art, future, present and innovation and a different way to look at things," said Patricia Cardoso, an Adjunct Professor at USC's School of Cinematic Arts. Cardoso said she couldn't wait to attend the event. Neither could the 1200 other attendees who got on the list just before it sold out.

"Because it's fun. and because ultimately learning is exciting, and this is a place where people are excited to learn. so we all grow something, we all grow a bit while we're here," said Derrick Ashong, the co-host of the event.

On the packed agenda included nearly 20 speakers, seven films, and six live performances over five hours, all revolving around the theme "actions speak louder." One speaker was Jose Antonio Rosa, who teaches at the University of Wyoming. Rosa says the event has become a catalyst of innovation for USC.

"The greatness of the university in fact, most of it has come from accidents. If you stop and look at the research and things, it&339;s like 'ooh we didn't expect that, but it happened, let's study it further.' and low and behold, great findings and science and social science and the humanities have emerged. the university has a long history of that," Rosa said.

For those that couldn't attend the event, all lectures will be posted on the TED website at www.ted.com.



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