City officials and community members push to save libraries

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Los Angeles Residents waved signs that read, "Open These Doors," on the steps of the Angeles Mesa Branch Library. Budget cuts forced public libraries in the city to close their doors twice a week.

Council-member Bernard Parks says residents in the 8th district deserve to have the library open seven days a week.

"Many students come here for after school programs instead of going home to an empty home," Parks said. "Or going to some other unhealthy after-school activity...we're talking about unhealthy activities that could be gang related."

But opponents fear that the measure would reduce the amount of money available for law enforcement agencies, fire services and street cleaning. But Parks, a law enforcement officer for 38 years, said libraries help stop crime.

"The libraries provide just as much or more prevention, intervention and education than law enforcement could ever do," Parks said. "A librarian today is worth every dollar we spend and is equal if not more important than a police officer."

Measure L would change the city charter to guarantee the Library Department a higher percentage of property tax revenue. The library would get $18 million in emergency funding without raising taxes. City Librarian Martín Gómez says he backs the measure.

"At a time when unemployment has reached record numbers, when students need all the support and resources they need to succeed, when more and more information is available only to those who can afford access to the Internet, the people he people of Los Angeles need their library now more than ever," City Librarian Martín Gómez said.

The Los Angeles public libraries serve 15,000 kids every day, Gomez said. Last year, 7 million people visited the library. Roy Stone, President of the Librarians Guild , expressed fear over what might happen if Measure L doesn't pass.

"Libraries will be closed," Stone said. "There will be more firing and more layoffs."

And Cheryl McCall, a clerk typist at the Mesa branch, stressed the importance of the library in the community.

"The library is an artery to the heart of the city of Los Angeles and the community depends upon us to be here and we try to help everyone in all areas of life."

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